Industrial Services Platform

A smart interface designed to support investors in the industrial sector. The Industrial Services Platform allows completing all transactions pertaining to an industrial project in its various stages, as per the following:

  • Establishment stage: This stage includes requests related to the initial approval (issuing, renewing, or writing off the initial approval).
  • Construction stage: It includes licensing requests (issuing, renewing, or writing off), to establish an industrial project.
  • Operation stage: This stage includes requests for an industrial operating license (registration certificate), in addition to completing a number of other transactions such issuing, renewing, or writing off, increasing production capacity, modifying production data, requesting changing the location of the industrial project, and requesting approval to shut down the industrial project.
  • The Platform also allows submitting requests for incentives and exemptions, namely requesting a customs exemption for an industrial facility, and requesting power supply at favourable prices.