The Ministry of Commerce and Industry Organizes a National Workshop on Commercial Negotiations

April 29, 2024


The national workshop on commercial negotiations has started today, which is organized by The Ministry of Commerce and Industry in cooperation with the International Commercial Training Institute of the World Trade Organization (WTO), and will last until 2 May 2024.


several entities participated in the workshop, which are: the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Ministry of Municipality, Qatar Energy, General Authority of Customs, and Qatar Central Bank.


On the span of four days, the workshop will illustrate the basic skills of commercial negotiating, proper preparation before entering negotiations, proper implementation of those skills in a way it guarantees achieving goals determined, through many interactive practical applications and exercises between the experts and participants.


Within this context, Mr. Saleh bin Abdullah Al-mana, head of International Cooperation and Trade Agreements department at MOCI, and president of the national coordination committee of World Trade Organization Affairs, has confirmed that the workshop comes as part of the Ministry’s efforts to develop government employees and improve their negotiating skills within an aspirational vision to our national economy, noting that the workshop is pursuing the comprehension and mastery of commercial negotiation skills, in aim of uplifting negotiations that will lead to agreements of mutual and joint interests both regionally and globally.


He then stated that the 4th Ministerial conference of the WTO, held in Doha in 2001 which represents a constructive developmental turn in WTO’s new path, noting that the announcement emerging from the conference recognised that all countries shall benefit from opportunities and welfare gains that the multilateral commercial system achieve.


He pointed that Doha’s declaration recognised providing technical aid to developing countries to develop their skills in commercial exchange negotiations. Today’s workshop falls within technical aid, adding that liberation of commercial exchange whether within WTO’s agreements or within regional agreements, if properly used nationally and internationally, will consist of an effective tool to contribute to fair growth amongst countries and a sustainable social and economical development on the national level.


The workshop is part of MOCI’s efforts in organizing technical cooperation activities that aims to support building capabilities, deepen government employees understanding of Doha negotiations round at WTO, and build and improve the negotiation skills of Qatar’s commercial negotiators and specialists.