The Ministry of Economy and Commerce organizes a workshop for its employees on “Family Culture”

November 17, 2016

As part of its Community Engagement Program, the Ministry of Economy and Commerce has organized on Tuesday, 16th November 2016 a workshop for its employees titled ” Educational Affairs” in collaboration with The Family Consulting Center.
The aim of this workshop is to strengthen the family culture of the employees and introduce them to educational patterns, and their role in supporting their children’s capabilities and how to deal with them.
The workshop addressed a number of key topics such as the definition of the educational process and its concepts as well as the practical applications. Additionally, the workshop shed the light on the educational patterns and the impact of each pattern on the personality of the children and their social interaction and different factors affecting the educational process.
The workshop also touched on the role of the parents in enabling their children capabilities with a focus on the dialogue principal, and the identification of the success scale of the educational process.
The workshop concluded with a series of inquiries and discussion sessions in order to achieve the desired objectives of the workshop.